Saturday, September 30, 2006

Not much happens around here, so when a witch ran into a telephone pole it was quite the news for the past week. Actually, everyone decorates early for the winter holidays b/c pretty soon it will be to cold to do anything outside. This was put up just down the street from us. Posted by Picasa
What's that white stuff? Yep, you got it. Sept. 29 marked our first snowfall. Gavin was quite intrigued by it. It snowed about an inch.  Posted by Picasa
What a beautiful family. By the way everyone. Jen is about 16 weeks pregnant and is expecting on March 16. Start planning your trip of a lifetime to Alaska and come up and visit the fam. Posted by Picasa
Gavin is so cute!! Posted by Picasa

Another photo. Posted by Picasa

Northern lights. On our way home from Wal-mart the sky was covered with the Northern Lights. They are so beautiful. I give free tours to anyone that wants to come up and visit.  Posted by Picasa

Former Alaska Senator John Binkley gives Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Russian Minister of Defense Sergei Ivanov a tour of the $600,000 bronze and granite monument at the dedication of the Alaska-Siberia Lend-Lease Memorial in Fairbanks, Alaska, Aug. 27. The sculptures reflect the equipment and clothing pilots wore in the 1940s while stationed at Ladd Field in Fairbanks, now Fort Wainwright. At right is the Eielson Air Force Base honor guard. The memorial honored pilots who had flown aircraft during WWII to Russia through Alaska. Posted by Picasa

I got to meet, take pictures and hear Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld speak at the dedication of the Alaska-Siberia Lend-Lease Memorial in Fairbanks, Alaska, Aug. 27.
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I meant to post this a couple of weeks ago. Jen suprised me with this amazing cake. It tasted as good as it looks. I turned 24 Sept. 13 and am feeling my age... :)  Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

59 years -- Jen and I dressed up to go to the Air Force Birthday Gala on base here Friday night. It was a fun. All the rooms were decorated by different units on base.  Posted by Picasa

Who's cuter? What fond memories. My parents sent us this picture the other day when they were digging through the photo album. The one on the left sure is cute... Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 10, 2006

I meant to post this picture a while ago. I went to an Editors Course at Fort Meade Maryland from June 20-July 21. It was an awesome course and I learned so much. Anyway. I was promoted to Senior Airmen while I was there and they took a picture of me getting my "stripes" pinned on.  Posted by Picasa

Well...I've been moose hunting for about a week now and I've had no success except for this duck that happened to be in the wrong pond at the wrong time. He was my first kill by bow and arrow. Hopefully I'll get those illusive moose. Bow hunting a moose is rather difficult, but finding them seems to be the hardest part. I found a moose yesterday, but he walked across the road and into a "No Hunting" area. Go figure. He laid down about 100 yards from the road and all I could do was stare at him. Anyway. Wish me luck.  Posted by Picasa

HI everyone!! Miss you guys. Today is Grandparents day! So Happy Grandparents day g'ma and gpa!! Wish you could be here. It's actually been sunny since you left. That figures.  Posted by Picasa