Well, I unsuccessfully spent a month hunting moose. The season has ended and will only re-open for one week towards the end of November. Wish me luck. In the meantime, I am planning a trip up north for the end of October where I hope to "harvest" two caribou. I need some meat in my freezer for the long cold winter ahead. Uncle Bob, Caleb, if your reading this, you're more then welcome to come join us in our hunt.
Otherwise, Not much else going on. I changed the look of my blog to Air Force Blue. Not sure how long that will last, the color that is. I will probably change it again. Not sure If I like it. Gavin is growing like a weed. He turns two Jan. 27.
We were hoping to take him to Kenya for a month, but ticket prices are outrageous. Just going from Alaska to the lower 48 is about $700 a person. Add that to $1400 plane tickets from the lower 48 and I need a new job. Chances are we might go to Florida and visit my brother, unless I inherit some money from a great great uncle that I don't know about--then it's Kenya bound we go.
The weather is growing steadily colder. On the bright side, Jen is excited that we get to leave here this coming July. I reenlist in December for another 4 years and in January will find out where we will be stationed next. We are praying for Italy. Keep your fingers crossed.
Anyway, Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great day.