Well, I just got back from my Tuesday night class. I'm taking a New Testament class. The instructor seems really good and I'm looking forward to learning a lot from this class. I am also taking two CLEPs on Thursday and two more in another week. If I pass this class and ace my 4 CLEPs, I'll only be 6 credits away from my Associates. Yeah!!
Anyway, work has been really busy and the temperature has dropped down to "breathe and freeze" weather. With wind chill it's supposed to drop down to -50 tonight. Anyone want to visit? :) Tomorrow we find out if we are having a boy or a girl. We are hoping for a girl, but "we're happy with whatever he/she turns out to be" blah blah blah. How cliche. We'll update tomorrow, I know everyone we'll be waiting eagerly. By the way, the due date is March 16th.