All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go...
Wish me luck everyone. Tomorrow I endeavor on a 700 mile trip south to Homer, Alaska. I'll meet up with a friend of mine who lives down there and together we are going to hunt for a black bear. He has an 18ft boat and we will go out in the bay and look for bears that have just come out of hibernation and are eating the grass on the beach and salmon from the ocean. This will be my second hunting trip. My first trip I bagged a caribou up north. I hope I'm as successful this time. If I get my bear in the first day or two, we will fish for halibut and king salmon. Should be an overall awesome trip. I'll be taking lots of pictures and of course, you'll see them posted here. So, pray for a safe trip and a safe hunt. I'll be back on Tuesday. Dad, when you come up here we'll go up north and hunt for some caribou.
Dan Adams, let me know when you're planning on coming up here and visting. I'll show you around and let Jen teach you how to catch a fish.
Papa Cobbs, I need a skilled veteran hunter to show me some tricks. Let me know when you're planning on coming up here.
~ Justin